The 15th Year Anniversary Concert of Salon Series
Saturday October 19, 2013 – All Day
The 15th Year Anniversary Concert of the Salon Series will encompasses Japanese dance from ancient to contemporary, honoring the 15 years of community service in New York we have held to educate and inspire general public on the performing Arts of Japan. It will be held at Tenri Cultural Institute, NYCity, where we have held Salon Series for 15 years.
The Benefit is also sponsored by Stephen Globus.
A benefit ticket for VIP Reception with Sushi and Sake, performance, and special desert after performance with artists is: $75. ($50 is your tax deductible donation. The proceeds of the benefit will go to Sachiyo Ito and Company, the not-for profit organization under 501-c-3.)
Early Reservation Recommend — Limited Seating. Payment in the form of check or paypal is accepted.
We also have 2 performances on Sunday, 20th at 3pm and 7pm. A ticket is $25.
The 15th Year Anniversary Concert of the Salon Series is supported by Consulate General of Japan in New York.
Saturday, October 19th at 7m
Sunday, October 20th at 3pm, 7pm
Dancers and Musicians
Sachiyo Ito, Tenri Gagaku Society of New York, Dancejapan, Beth Griffith, Constance Cooper, Tomoko Sugawara, John Stevenson, Yoshi Amao
Purchase by check:
Purchase via PayPal
VIP Reception and Performance – October 19th
$75. $50 is your tax deductible donation.
Performance – Sunday 20th
Purchase tickets from Smarttix.
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265
Salon Series No. 47: Chinese Opera and Japanese Classical Theater and Dance: Their Gestures and Stylization
Sunday June 23, 2013, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Qian Yi, Kun Opera singer and Sachiyo Ito will present a co-demonstration on gestures, and abstraction and stylization of gestures in acting and dancing, followed by a performance by each of an excerpt from a Kun Opera and a Kabuki dance. Look forward to an exciting collaboration on a Chinese poem by Qian Yi and Sachiyo Ito.
さろんシリーズ15周年を迎える2013年の第3 弾 さろんシリーズ第47回の テーマは「中国オペラと日本古典演劇・舞踊における 身振り,しぐさとその抽象化と形式化」 です。
さろんシリーズ15周年では、日本舞踊のテクニークでは大切な「身振りとしぐさ」 をテーマにし ていますが、今回は昆曲オペラと日本古典演劇・舞踊を取り上げます。今回はスペシャルゲストとして、 昆曲オペラ歌手Qian Yi氏をお迎えします。比較デモンストレーションの後、Qian Yiと伊 藤さちよが各自の作品上演、最後に中国詩に基ずいた共同作品 を上演します。
さろんシリーズは、舞踊に重 点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めていただこうと言うのが主旨で、年に3回、天理文化協会にて、日曜の午後に開かれます。日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉
強していらっしゃる方々を対象に、Q/Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していくことを意図していま す。
会場:天理文化協会 43 A West 13th Street Between 5th & 6th Ave. NYCity
問い合わせ:212-627-0265 伊藤さちよ舞踊団
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265
Sakura Matsuri
Saturday April 27, 2013 – All Day
A weekend celebrating traditional and contemporary Japanese culture. 32nd Annual Performance.
Event is on April 27-26.
Photo by Mike Ratiff. Courtesy of Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
LOCATION: Cherry Esplanade Main Stage, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Salon Series No. 46: Okinawan and Indonesian Music and Dance
Sunday April 7, 2013, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Special Guest
Amalia Suryani with Saung Budaya
Sonny Ochiai on Sanshin, Nobuko Miyazaki on Fue
Keiko Ikehata, Yuu Fujita, Aiko Miyauchi
Tickets: $15 general; $10 student and senior
Due to the geographical uniqueness, Okinawa serves as a cross road of various cultures in Southeast Asia, and thus called melting pot of cultures. The musical scale of Okinawan music is the same as the Penang scale of Indonesian music, while hand movements in Okinawan dance shows some similar movements as those of Indonesian dance. The program will examine similarities and differences between Okinawan dance and Indonesian Dance” through demonstration of dance movements, and also there will be a video and talk on musical instruments such as Okinawan sanshin, and Indonesian gamelan. Ms. Suryani and Sachiyo Ito will give demonstrations on the basics of dance forms focusing on hand gestures. Okinawan dance, Hamachidori and Nanyo Hamachidori, and Javanese dance, Tai Gambyoung will be performed.
テーマは「沖縄舞踊とインドネシア舞踊・音楽」 です。
その地理上及び歴史上、特に15、16世紀特に東南アジアと交流の深かった沖縄。ジャワとの貿易も盛んでした。舞踊の手の動作に焦点をあてて いる2013年今回は特に インドネシア舞踊と沖縄舞踊の比較を試みます。そしてそれに関わる文化的意味を 探ります。今回はスペシャルゲストとしてSaung Budaya主宰のAmalia Suryani氏をお迎えします。Suryaniと伊藤さちよ2人の共同のデモンストレーションの後、ジャワ舞踊 「Tai Gambyoung」、沖縄舞踊「浜千鳥 」 と「南洋浜千鳥」 を上演します。 又インドネシアと沖縄の音楽についてビデオ紹介、沖縄古典曲の演奏もあります。
さろんシリーズは、舞踊に重 点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を
供していくことを意図していま す。
会場:天理文化協会 43 A West 13th Street Between 5th & 6th Ave. NYCity
問い合わせ:212-627-0265 伊藤さちよ舞踊団
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265
Salon Series No. 45. Gestures, Mime and Dance
Sunday February 3, 2013, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Salon Series No.45 on February 3, 2013 is titled “Gestures in Japanese Dance and Mime” The Japanese people have tended to use more gestures than other peoples, particularly compared to those in the west, and in much subtle manner. The Japanese are known to be less verbal. Why and how we use them in daily life and see any of those are reflected in dance. Our featured guest is a mime, Yass Hakoshima who had lead Yass Hakoshima Movement Theater for 40 years in USA and Europe. Mr. Hakoshima and Sachiyo Ito will give demonstrations to illustrate how a mime draws gestures from daily life as a comparison and to gain further insight. Excerpts from Kabuki dances including Excerpt from /Azuma Hakkei/, and /Haru no Umi/ choreographed by Ito as well as Hakoshima’s ever-popular comic piece, “Fisherman,” will be performed.
Now in its 15th Year, Salon Series is an ongoing program of informative and educational lectures, lecture-demonstrations and performances aimed at those who are interested in deepening their knowledge of the performing arts of Japan. The unique combination of education and entertainment has inspired NY audiences artistically, and intellectually. The series is held on Sunday afternoons three times a year at Tenri Cultural Institute. Refreshments will be served during Q/A.
Tickets: $15 general; $10 student and senior.
さろんシリーズ15周年を迎える2013年の第1弾 さろんシリーズ第45回のテーマは「 身振り,しぐさ,舞踊, マイム」 です。
日本舞踊のテクニークでは大切な 身振り,しぐさ、物真似 をテーマにして、日本舞踊とマイムとを取り上げ、比較しながらのデモンストレーション、そしてそれに関わる文化的意味を 探ります。今回はスペシャルゲストとして、マイムのヤス.ハコシマ氏をお迎えします。デモンストレーションの後、ヤス.ハコシマのューモアあふれる「漁師」と、伊藤さちよによる「吾妻八景」からの抜粋と「春の海」 を上演します。さろんシリーズは、舞踊に重 点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めていただこうと言うのが主旨で、年に3回、天理文化協会にて、日曜の午後に開かれます。日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉強していらっしゃる方々を対象に、Q/Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していくことを意図していま す。
会場:天理文化協会 43 A West 13th Street Between 5th & 6th Ave. NYCity
問い合わせ:212-627-0265 伊藤さちよ舞踊団
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265